Betina Kuhanec
Betina KuhanecSenior Consultant
Tel.: 069-426029-75

Betina Kuhanec is a Senior Consultant at blattertPR and has been working in the communications and media industry for over 20 years. She started as a sound and camera assistant in the production of news reports, documentaries and commercials. During her time at university, she switched to the editorial side (ZDF) and handled the public relations of the Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt crossover orchestra for several years. After working in a marketing agency and in tourism PR, she is now the girl mum in the gang at blattertPR. Her motto: People may not remember what you said or what you did, but they always remember the way you made them feel.


Since September 2023: Senior Consultant at blattertPR

May 2022-August 2023: expert PR & HWM Communications GmbH

2021-2022: Freelance PR consulting, Social Media Management, Content Management, Graphic Design

2020-2021: TIGER Marketing Group GmbH

2015-2020: Spokesperson for Press and Public Relations at Neue Philharmonie Frankfurt

2014-2015: Online editorial work at

Communication Studies, Musicology (Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz)

Certificates:  in “Graphic Design with Adobe CC, Web Design, and Media Design with Adobe CC